
Thursday, 29 December 2011

the 3D craze

I was just browsing the CNET website and saw an article for the samsung galaxy s3. I currently have the S2, and love it, but some of the stats of this S3 might make me wanna swap in my current phone. even though the exact spects are not fully confirmed yet, korean manufacturers say that the S3 will have a 720p, 3D screen and powering it will be a quad core processor.

Here is a link to the CNET article,

To be completely honest, as much as i love tech, I cannot say that i am a fan of 3D. It does seem to be everywhere at the moment and i do wish that hollywood would stop "3D'ing" everything, because now, even phone manufactures, aswell as TV manufacturers are buying into the 3D craze.

Luckily however, their are some directors, such as Batman and inception director, christopher nolan, who understands that the 3D phase is just a gimmick, and produce's great quality, high definition films for IMAX and regular blu-ray release rather than falling for the 3D trap.

I am sure though, that more people than not, prefer watching 3D films on their 3D phones and 3D t.v's. I just don't get it to be honest. Personally speaking i think it is just a distraction from the story's plot, films like avatar needed 3D cos (and this is my opinion and i'm sure your's will differ), they had shit, generic and boring plots and 3D experience made that film barely watchable.

anyway, im glad i got that off my chest,

Thanks for reading


  1. sounds like marketing indeed.
    it's just like few years ago with hdtv

  2. yeah, but with HD, it improves the actual quality and pixels per inch

  3. I think as you say some movies benefit from it, like Avatar, and I also liked it in Tron and the latest Resident Evil. But after trying out the Nintendo 3DS a week ago I hope that it stays on these CGI/Explosion heavy movies and out of consumer electronics.

  4. yeah i forget to mention video games.i know that nintendo have done it in the DS, but Im sure that sony and microsoft will start to implement 3D technology into their consoles shortly

  5. yeah thanks doom, feeling abit better, to be honest i think it's just depressing and it's gonna put people off if i keep rambling on about how shit life is. so yeah, chin up from now on

  6. Always feel dizzy after 3D movie in theater, so I don't really enjoy it.

  7. I don't like 3D movies, I much rather prefer normal one, and I usually take the middle seats for the best view, feels good man

  8. thanks. i think 3d should be saved for video games, and virtual reality and such. movies should be movies and no 3d

  9. I agree, 3D is something that is pushed far too much, such as with movies like Piranha 3D, which rely solely on the 3D. It feels like now they want so much money for it that tickets are almost 5 dollars more expensive. Its ridiculous , really.

  10. Sony already has 3D in the PS3, Killzone 3 for example.
    The only good thing for me vs IMAX is that I can see 3D films, there's no IMAX screens here. Mind you, I'd swap the 3D for IMAX in a second, especially for Dark Knight Rises

  11. thats the thing though, chris nolan isnt making a 3d version of the dark knight rises cos he also believes that it ruins the film

  12. ten years? man thats a long time. i am going to follow this and check back every day!

  13. thanks jack, left a message on your blog aswell, will keep checking for future guitar tutorials

  14. agreed, i think this 3D thing will die eventually

  15. nice blog! +follow

  16. I think the same way you do, I don't get it either...

  17. So very true! I wonder how the 3D screen will even work, most 3D screens like on the Nintendo 3DS require you to hold it at a certain angle... thats going to be quite annoying on a phone =/

  18. What i dont like with 3D, nowadays, its like : "Hey our movie is terrible, no one will see that !!"
    "Man, put it in 3D"

    Its more a trick to get more viewers and not an improvement of the movie.

    I hope this will change...

  19. To me, 3D is more of a marketing scheme to sell more TVs XD

  20. I hardly call these movies 3D. barely a difference to me..


  21. Great Post!! And I know this isn't the best place to say it, but I really like your layout. Something I've struggled with a lot. It looks like you've got it down!!
